V8 - SOS Pay list


SOS Pay is SOS Inventory’s online payment portal for credit card and ACH (electronic check) processing, as well as recording those transactions and other payment types in the system. It is a fee-based service that is an add-on option for subscribers to SOS Inventory.


The SOS Pay list (Company menu > Miscellaneous > SOS Pay) contains records of credit card and ACH payments processed via MerchantTrack. It does not house any other types of payment records. See the Payments list (Operations menu > Sales > Payments) for more payment transactions in SOS Inventory. 


For more information about the SOS Pay service and how to use its various components, refer to the pages under the `.


SOS Pay list columns

#. The SOS Pay transaction reference number as listed on the SOS Pay list. This number is different from MerchantTrack’s reference number.


Date. Shows the timestamp (date and time) of a MerchantTrack transaction.


Pmt Method. For credit card transactions, gives the card type used (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) and the last four digits of the card number.


Customer. Provides the name of the customer to which the payment was applied.


Amount. Designates the monetary amount for which the transaction was processed.


Last 4. Shows the last four digits of the credit card on credit card transactions.


Pmt Ref. The transaction reference number of the invoice, sales order, or sales receipt to which the payment has been applied. The number links to the payment transaction record on the Payments list.


Status. Provides the status of the payment. Options are Approved, Refunded, Partial Refund, Declined. A voided transaction in MerchantTrack will appear as a refund in the Status column on the SOS Pay list.


Reason. If a transaction is declined, the explanation for the decline.


Auth Code. The MerchantTrack transaction authorization code for the payment.


Currency. The currency used to process the payment.


Notes. System-generated information that provides the invoice, sales order, or sales receipt transaction to which the payment was applied.


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