V9 - Introduction to Configuration mode
The Configuration mode (Settings > Configuration) is new in SOS Inventory 9. This feature—distinct from the daily Operations mode that includes the Company menu, Task bar, and Operations menu—consolidates all the administrative setup for SOS Inventory in one central area. The Configuration mode includes lists and settings which in SOS Inventory 8 are housed elsewhere. Below is a sample screenshot.
To return to the Operations mode, select the Exit configuration button in the upper right corner of the page.
Configuration mode lists
The Configuration mode's Lists section (Settings > Configuration > Lists) houses the vast majority of non-transaction lists that were previously included under the Company menu in SOS Inventory 8.
- Alerts
- AOP rules
- Bins
- Channels
- Custom fields
- Customer messages
- Customer types
- Documents and files
- Form templates
- Locations
- Order stages
- Payment methods
- Price tiers
- Priorities
- Process templates
- Sales reps
- Shipping methods
- Tags
- Terms
- Units of measure
- Vendor messages
- Vendor-item catalog
- Warranties
- Work centers
- Workers
Configuration mode settings
The remainder of the content in the Configuration mode is focused on settings. Please note that the location of some settings in V9 have been rearranged.
- Company. Includes General company settings as well as Accounting, Name and address, and Logo settings. The User administration list is also stored here.
- Inventory. Includes General inventory settings, as well as Accounts, Transactions, and Barcode settings.
- Purchasing. Includes General purchasing settings, as well as settings for Purchase orders, Item receipts, and Returns to vendors.
- Sales. Includes General sales settings, as well as settings for Sales orders, Estimates, Invoices, Sales receipts, RMAs, Returns, and the Customer portal.
- Fulfillment. Includes settings for Shipments and Pick tickets.
- Rentals. Includes settings for Rentals and Rental returns.
- Payments. Settings for payments are still under development.
- Connections. Includes settings and configuration for QuickBooks, ShipStation, UPS, Carts, and FTP. These pages are still under development.
Using the Configuration search bar
The Configuration mode has its own search feature, simplifying the process of locating a specific list, setting, settings page (such as the settings page for Shipments), and some fields on a list edit page.
The Configuration search is not intended to be used to search for a record within a list. For lists housed under the Configuration mode (Settings > Configuration > Lists), use the Quick search bar to search for specific records.
When you use the Configuration search bar, search results display relevant lists, pages and settings. Each search result also includes its navigation, enabling you determine whether the result is the one you are seeking. When you select a search result, SOS will take you to the appropriate page—or if a setting, directly to that setting on its settings page.