iOS app menus


Once you sign into the iOS app, the Work menu page will appear on your screen, as shown in the screenshot below. At the bottom of the screen are the icons for the main menus in the app: Work, Find, Lists, and Tools.


 Features listed below with a blue asterisk (*support barcode scanning.


Work menu

Work menu of the SOS Inventory iOS app


Notifications. In the top right corner of the Work menu, the presence of a red oval with a number inside indicates that you have one or more notifications.


*Check stock. Provides the On Hand and Available For Sale quantities for a selected item. Can be filtered by location and date.


*Check pricing. Obtains unit and total pricing for an item. Can be filtered by customer, price tier, and quantity.


*Which bin is it? Specifies the bin number of an item at a bin-tracked location.


*Physical inventory. Allows you to perform a physical count of your items, comparing the number in the system to the quantity you actually have. SOS Inventory will generate an adjustment transaction for a physical count that has a discrepancy. See Conducting physical inventory counts with the iOS app for more information on the feature.


Add sale. A “quick add” feature that allows the creation of a new sales transaction (estimate, sales order, sales receipt, or invoice) without having to access its list.


*Compare barcodes. A utility feature that allows a comparison of two barcodes. This feature does not add any data to the system.


Find menu

The Find menu on the SOS Inventory iOS app 


*Scan and go. Uses your device’s built-in camera to open from a printed barcode a corresponding item or transaction. This feature can be used, for example, to scan the QR Code of a printed sales order. The app will open the sales order. You can then edit the sales order if needed or perform an action (such as generating a shipment transaction). For more information, see Using Scan & go.


Stuff assigned to me. Pulls up a list of your assigned transactions and tasks.


Smart search. Conducts a global search of data available within the system.


List menu

The Lists menu is the most feature-rich area of the iOS app. This menu is a listing of lists, and it functions in a manner that is very similar to the web app’s Operations menu. The menus in both apps contain the same lists, in the same order. Both allow you to filter data, create a new record, flag important records with stars, and conduct a quick search within a list.


One key difference, however, is how the Actions menu features of the web app are accessed in the iOS app. In SOS Inventory iOS, Edit and other actions (such as PDF, Email, and Create Shipment) are accessed in the top menu of an individual transaction or other record—not in its corresponding list. Please see Adding and editing records, applying actions, and signing transactions for more information about using actions in the iOS app.


Although many similarities exist between the overall list functions of both the web and iOS apps, please note that some differences do exist in the options available for filters, as well as those for actions.


Standard screen layout for individual lists

The screenshot below of a Purchase Orders list is an example of the typical layout used for lists in the iOS app:


Sample Purchase Orders list in the SOS Inventory iOS app


Screen layout for Items list

The Items list is very heavily used in the SOS Inventory iOS app. It is accessed when (1) adding new and editing existing items; (2) adding line items on transactions; and (3) conducting physical inventory. The iOS app supports the use of barcode scanning for all these processes.


The Items list on the SOS Inventory iOS app


Although the Items list screen layout is like that of other lists, it also possesses a barcode scanner icon. The barcode scanner accesses your device’s camera to make the scan.


The number at the right of each item record indicates the total available-for-sale quantity at all locations.


Additional sub-menus appear when using the iOS app to conduct a physical inventory. When conducting a physical count, the name of the list is called Items to Inventory—but the content of the list is the same. See Conducting physical inventory counts with the iOS app in this guide for more information.


Tools menu

Refresh Static Data. Updates infrequently changed data in the system. See Refreshing data in the iOS app for more information about this feature.


Update Cache. Updates all data in the system except static data.

Sync with QuickBooks. Performs a manual sync to QuickBooks Online.

Account Info. Includes your user email address, company name, SOS account number, QuickBooks account number, the status of your account, and your subscription plan’s expiration date.

Switch Companies. Allows a user with access privileges to switch from the SOS Inventory account of one company to that of another company. Also specifies the default company to use when the iOS app is opened.

Sign Out. Logs out of the SOS Inventory iOS app.

Settings. Includes the following:

  • Auto-scan serials. Allows back-to-back barcode scans of serial items, bypassing the need to select the scanner icon before each scan. This setting is disabled by default.
  • About. Shows the currently installed versions of the app and server, as well as acknowledgements.


Help and Support. Includes the following:

  • Online Help. Links to the Support page of the SOS Inventory website, which includes: (1) PDFs of the iOS app’s Quick Start Guide and web app’s SOS Inventory 8.x User Guide; (2) video tutorials; (3) step-by-step How-To’s; (4) FAQs; (5) our Support Team’s email address; and (6) our toll-free phone number.
  • iOS Quick Start Guide. Links directly to the user guide for the iOS app.
  • Email Us. Allows sending an email to SOS Inventory Support via your email client.
  • Terms of Service. Outlines the service agreement between you and Saddle Oak Software, LLC, for the use of SOS Inventory.
  • Privacy Policy. Outlines our policy on the data we collect from customers.


Barcode scanner

The barcode scanner in the SOS Inventory iOS app accesses your device’s camera to make a scan. As previously mentioned, scanning a printed barcode of an item, transaction, or other record will open it in the app.


The scanner can be accessed by selecting the Barcode scanner icon in the Items list, as well as through the Check stock, Check pricing, Which bin is it?, Physical inventory, Compare barcodes, and Scan & go features in the iOS app.


The scan area can be resized or moved with a stylus or finger. To resize, simply pick any corner and move the circle inward or outward. To move the scan area, select anywhere within the scan region and slide.


The Flash icon, a toggle located in the upper right corner of the scanner screen, allows you to enhance the lighting for your scan if needed.


Move the blue Slider, located at the bottom of the touchscreen, to zoom in or out of an image.


The barcode scanner in SOS Inventory's iOS app


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