V8 - Reports


Within SOS Inventory, all available reports in the application can be found under the Reports landing page (Operations Menu > Reports). Most reports are quite extensive in information and can be customized to view by date ranges, filters, and other factors such as location.


Not all reports are available to all users. Access is dependent upon permissions granted to the user. Sales reps with the Restrict Customers setting enabled in their sales rep definition also have no access to the Reports section (Operations menu > Reports).


Reports are grouped into sections, as listed in the Report descriptions section below.


The Old Reports link in the top right corner are for a few deprecated report formats that are still available but will eventually be phased out.


Specifying favorite, customized and scheduled reports

SOS Inventory offers you the ability to bookmark favorite reports, customize and save them with the filters and other options you specify, and run the reports on an automated schedule. 


Bookmarking a favorite report. To bookmark a report, click on its link on the Reports page. Under the Manage block, select Add to favorites. The bookmarked report will be listed under the Favorites section of the Reports landing page. A favorite report will remain "as is," with no filters or other options applied. If you want to save the report with such modifications, save it as a customized report as explained below instead of adding the report as a favorite. 


Saving a customized report. From the Reports landing page, click on the link of the report you wish to customize. Choose the specific filters, options, date range, columns, and format (i.e., Excel or CSV file), then select Save customization under the Manage block. SOS Inventory will ask you to provide a name for the customized version of the report.


edit_noteNOTE: When setting up the date range for a customized report, select words under the From and To dropdowns (e.g., Last year, Last quarter, Yesterday, etc.) rather than calendar dates. This allows the system to calculate the appropriate dates for this report.

The saved report will be listed under the Customized section of the Reports landing page.


Setting up a regularly-scheduled report to run automatically. If you want a report to run automatically on a set schedule, you must first save it as a customized report. Open the customized report and select Schedule this report under the Manage block. In the popup window, specify the frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly) that you wish the report to run, along with up to three email addresses and/or the FTP server to which the report should be sent.  


If the frequency you choose is daily, SOS Inventory will also have you specify the hour of day in which the report should be run. For a weekly frequency, the system will have you select the day of the week. Monthly reports always run on the first day of the month.


SOS Inventory gives you the option to run a test report before you save it. The system will automatically add the reporting frequency as part of the report name (such as Backorder report Daily 7:00 PM) and list it under the Scheduled section of the Reports landing page.


Report descriptions

Purchasing report descriptions

Master purchase report. Provides the greatest flexibility in gathering information regarding purchase orders, item receipts, and returns to vendors. Filter options include data by order type, location, vendor, item, customer, category, class, department, or drop shipment. Two additional filters allow for more specific searches: Item name contains and Keyword search.


Open purchase order detail. Compiles data on purchase orders with items that have yet to be received. The report can be filtered by location, (partial) item name, or vendor.


Purchase variances. Shows the difference between estimated and actual purchasing costs, also known as purchase price variance or PPV. The report can be filtered by location, item name, or vendor.


Purchases by category—summary. Recaps the units received according to category, along with their total cost.


Purchases by class—summary. Recaps the units received according to class, along with their total cost.


Purchases by customer—summary. Recaps the units received according to customer, along with their total cost.


Purchases by department—summary. Recaps the units received according to department, along with their total cost.


Purchases by item—summary. Recaps the units received according to items, along with their total cost. Items can be filtered by category, name, or vendor.


Purchases by location—summary. Recaps the units received according to location, along with their total cost.


Purchases by vendor—summary. Recaps the units received according to vendor, along with their total cost.


Reorder report. Generates a list of items which have hit their reorder point. The report also includes for each item the quantity available, the maximum stock level, and the quantity needed to restock inventory to the maximum stock level, if specified. If no maximum stock level is specified, the quantity-needed value will be the reorder point, plus one. If Display report is chosen under the Actions, three additional options will appear that are available for selected items on the Reorder Report: the ability to generate purchase orders, generate transfers from a specific location, and add the items to the Reorder List.


Vendor efficiency. Provides information on the turnaround time used by a vendor from the time a purchase order is placed until it is received. The report can be filtered by location, item, or vendor. For each PO listed, the report includes whether the order was delivered on time.


Where to buy. Compiles data from the Vendor-Item Catalog so that you can see which of your vendors sell an item, each vendor’s price, and the quantity you need to order. If Display Report is selected from the Actions menu, the report also allows you to add items to the Reorder list. Available on Plus and Pro plans only.


Inventory report descriptions

Bin contents. Lists bin contents by location and bin number, along with the quantity on hand for each bin item.


Inventory aging. Provides a list of items on hand and how long they have been in inventory. This report is useful for identifying slow-moving inventory, as well as the costs associated for storing and maintaining it.


Inventory stock status. Compiles data of items and their on-hand quantities. Filters include location, category, item name, and vendor.


Inventory summary. A flexible report that offers much detail regarding items on hand, on transactions, and available for sale. Many other options for column data exist as well. Information can be filtered according to location, category, item name, and vendor.


Inventory turnover. Measures the number of times inventory is sold or consumed in a given time period. Turnover rate is cost of goods sold divided by average inventory. Average inventory is the beginning inventory number plus the ending inventory number, divided by two.


Inventory value. Provides the total quantity and value of an inventory item. Can be filtered by location, category, item name, and vendor.


Item analysis. Shows the profitability of an item based on its standard cost. Filters include location, category, item name, and vendor.


Item movement. Provides details about items’ movements on transactions: the quantity received, returned to vendors, shipped, adjusted, etc., as well as the total quantity in and out.


Items in bins. Compiles data on bin-tracked items that includes item location, bin number, and quantity on hand.


Lot history. Shows the transaction history of lot-tracked items. Can be filtered by item or lot number.


Lot stock status. Gives data on the current status of a lot-tracked item. Filters include location, category, item, lot number, and status (whether it is active, expired, or recalled).


Lot traceability. Tracks the history of a lot-tracked item using its lot number. The report shows receiving and shipping information, as well as the items used in builds and processes. The report has the option to include information on whether the item has expired or been recalled.


Lots in bins. Provides data on a lot-tracked item stored in bins. Filters include location, category, item, lot number, bin number and status (whether it is active, expired, or recalled).


Overstock/understock report. Gives a breakdown of inventory for a specified item. The report includes the item’s reorder and maximum stock level, as well as the total quantity. Filters include location, category, item name, and vendor.


Physical inventory worksheet. Creates a worksheet that includes the system count of one or more items, according to the filters, and a column for you to enter the actual count of each item listed.


Serial unit history. Shows the transaction history of serial-tracked items. Can be filtered by location, category, item name, serial number, customer, and status (in-stock, used, shipped, adjusted out, or all).


Serials in bins. Compiles data on serial-tracked items that include the serial number, item name, location, and bin number.


Sales report descriptions

Commission report. Displays commission data filtered by the sales representative, item name, customer, and order type. The report includes specific transaction information, as well as the commissions earned.


Master sales report. Provides information regarding estimates, invoices, sales orders, sales receipts, and returns. Filter options include data by order type, location, customer, item, vendor, category, channel, class, customer type, department, sales representative, partial item name, or keyword.


Open sales order detail. Shows sales order transactions with backordered items. Can be filtered by location, item name, and customer.


Open sales receipt detail. Shows sales receipt transactions with backordered items. Can be filtered by location, item name, and customer.


Price book. Provides pricing information about items. The report can list general price tier information or price tier information specific to a customer.


Profit/loss by customer. Displays revenue, COGS, profit, and profit percentage data by customer. Can be filtered by customer or job name.


Profit/loss by item. Displays revenue, COGS, profit, and profit percentage data by item. Can be filtered by customer or job name.


Profit/loss by job. Displays income, cost, profit, and profit percentage data by job. Can be filtered by location as well.


Ready to invoice. Compiles a list of sales orders that are ready for billing. Can be filtered by location, item name, and customer.


Sales by category—summary. Recaps by category the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by channel—summary. Recaps by channel the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by class—summary. Recaps by class the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by customer—summary. Recaps by customer the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by customer type—summary. Recaps by customer type the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by department—summary. Recaps by department the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by item—summary. Recaps by item the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by location—summary. Recaps by location the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories.


Sales by vendor—summary. Recaps by preferred vendor (as defined in the item record) the units shipped, revenue, COGS, and profit, as well as the percentages in each of these categories. NOTE: Because sales of an item from other vendors will show a zero dollar amount, the report option Hide rows With no sales is enabled by default.


Sell through. Shows the percentage of a product that is sold to customers after being received from vendors for a certain date range.


Fulfillment report descriptions

Backorder report. Lists data on backordered sales orders and sales receipts. Can be filtered according to location, item name, customer, and order type.


Fulfillment efficiency. Provides information on the turnaround time in fulfilling customer orders from the time a sales order or sales receipt is placed until it is shipped to the customer. The report can be filtered by location, item name, customer, and order type. For each sales order and sales receipt listed, the report includes whether the order was delivered on time.


Ready to pick/ship. Compiles a list of sales orders and sales receipts that are ready to be picked and shipped, based on current available-for-sale quantities.


Shipping report. Shows completed shipments by transaction, ship date, customer, item and quantity shipped.


Production report descriptions

Expanded BOM report. A helpful production planning tool that provides details on an assembly item, including each of its components, its vendor, the quantity on hand, the quantity used in a build, the cost of each component, and the line total. The report also shows multi-level bills of materials. See Using the Expanded BOM report in production planning for more details.


Open work order detail. Shows status of open work orders. Includes how many units have been ordered, as well as how many remain to be finished.


Production report. Provides information on build and process transactions, the outputs, and the output quantity.


Where used. Shows how an item is used and the quantity used. Can be filtered by category, item name, and vendor.


Work In progress. If using the work center feature or any build or process transaction using a work center, the value of items on the transaction will not be reflected in the Inventory Value report.  The WIP report accounts for those transactions, listing builds and processes that are in progress. The Work in Progress report includes the transaction reference, output, input, input quantity and input value. These item values, when combined with the results of the Inventory Value report, should balance with the asset account(s) total in QuickBooks.


Accounting report descriptions

Reconcile item receipts. Provides data on bills, cash purchases, checks, and credit card charges pertaining to item receipts. Highlights financial information that is missing or has a discrepancy with QuickBooks Online.


Reconcile journal entries. Shows journal entry information pertaining to transactions. Highlights financial information that is missing or has a discrepancy with QuickBooks Online.


Reconcile vendor credits. Displays credit information on return-to-vendor transactions. Highlights financial information that is missing or has a discrepancy with QuickBooks Online.


Rental report descriptions

Open rental detail. Shows rental transactions with outstanding items. Can be filtered by location, item name, and customer.


Rental calendar. Shows the due dates for rental items. Filters include location, item, serial number, and customer.


Miscellaneous report descriptions

Deleted items. Displays the Deleted items list. Available actions include Restore and Transaction history. The columns available on the Deleted items list are identical to those on the Items list. The Cost basis column is helpful in identifying discrepancies between SOS Inventory and QuickBooks Online, allowing you to determine whether any deleted items still have assigned value.


Transactions assigned. Generates a list of transactions with the name of the individuals to whom they have been assigned. Can be filtered by user or transaction type.


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