Creating price groups (price tiers)


This feature is available on Plus and Pro plans only.


  1. On the Task Bar, go to Company Menu > Miscellaneous > Price Tiers.
  2. Select the Add New button to create a new price tier. To change an existing tier, click the Edit action for the tier. Either of these methods will open the Price Tier page.
  3. For a new price tier:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for your price tier.
    2. Determine whether this price tier will have an overall percentage discount or an overall flat discount. If both an overall percentage and flat discount are assigned to the price tier, the total discount will be a sum of both. Volume discounts (quantity buys), which are specified in the Prices table, cannot be used with overall percentage or flat discounts.
      1. If this tier is to give a customer an overall discount, then enter a whole number (for example, enter 30 for 30%) in the Percent Discount field.
      2. If this tier is to give a customer a flat monetary discount, enter the amount (for example, 5.00 for $5.00) in the Flat Discount field.
    3. If adding a different unit price for an item, then select the item to which you want the new price to apply in the Item field. Enter a quantity of 1 and the new unit price.
    4. For volume discounts (quantity buys), enter quantity breaks and their corresponding unit prices in the Prices table. (Example: for a quantity of 5, a unit price of $5.00.) Do not enter anything to represent the default price, as it will be the sales price from the item definition if the customer buys less than the first quantity break.
  4. If editing discount pricing for a specific item in this tier, select the item and click on Retrieve Prices, then make the appropriate changes in Prices table.
  5. Select Save when finished.
  6. Select the gray back arrow to exit the Price Tier edit page.
Go to the Customers list (Operations Menu > Sales > Customers). Edit the customer definition of each customer to whom you wish to apply that price tier. Then save the changes. Price tiers can also be assigned using the bulk edit procedure.
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