Troubleshooting sync errors
To troubleshoot sync errors:
- Select Sync Menu > Sync Errors.
- Note the most recent error as stated in the QuickBooks Message column at the top of the list.
- Select Sync Menu > Preview Sync. This will take you to the Sync Queue page.
- The top entry in the list is the one in error. It shows the type of object in error and the object name or reference.
- You can select GO to go directly to that item or transaction to correct the error and save.
- Select Sync Menu > Sync Now to see if the error has been corrected.
- If you have a lot of rows in the sync queue and something further down in the queue is needed on QuickBooks Online now, you can also go to top row which has the error and select Move to Bottom from the Actions Menu. Then try to sync manually again.
If you know an error is keeping an item or transaction from syncing, you can also go to the appropriate list page and use the Column Chooser and enable the Sync column. To see the errors, click on the header of the Sync column to sort ascending. Then click the header again to sort descending and show all the errors found for that list.
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