V8 - Global search


The Task bar's Global search feature enables searching all lists in SOS Inventory for a specific item, customer, vendor, or transaction record. In addition, the system also allows a global search of a specific data element that appears in records. The data elements available for searching vary according to record type. 


Smart search keywords for global searches

You can narrow a global search by using Smart search keywords. The keywords available are listed below. For keywords that are abbreviated, the meaning of the abbreviations are listed in parentheses.


  • adj (adjustment)
  • build
  • cust (customer)
  • est (estimate)
  • inv (invoice)
  • ir (item receipt)
  • item
  • job
  • lot
  • pick (pick ticket)
  • po (purchase order)
  • proc (process transaction)
  • rent (rental)
  • ret (return)
  • rma
  • rr (rental return)
  • rtv (return to vendor)
  • ship (shipment)
  • sn(serial number)
  • so (sales order)
  • sr (sales receipt)
  • vend (vendor)
  • wo (work order)
  • xfer (inventory transfer)


tips_and_updatesEXAMPLE: Entering 5177 (without quotes) will find anything with 5177 in the name or record identifier. But if po 5177 is entered (without quotes), SOS Inventory would look for purchase order 5177 only. In this case, the system would go directly to the appropriate list page.


Searchable data elements for global searches

In addition to the Smart search keywords, certain data elements can used in global searches. 


The chart below shows the SOS Inventory data types, along with their searchable data elements:


SOS data type Searchable data elements
Accounts name
Bills memo, vendor name, refnumber (number)
Item name, sales description, barcode, sku
Customer name, email, phone
Employee name
Vendor name

number, description

Serial serial number, description
Job name, number, description, customer name

memo, customer name, number

Check memo, payee name, number
Invoice memo, customer name, number, items
Sales receipt memo, customer name, number, items
Purchase order memo, number, vendor name, customer name, items
RMA memo, number, customer name, items
Sales order memo, number, customer PO, customer name, items
Estimate memo, number, customer name, items
Adjustment memo, adjustment id, number, items
Transfer memo, transfer id, number, items
Item receipt memo, item receipt id, number, vendor name, items

memo, number, customer name, items

Build memo, build id, number, items



memo, process id, number, items
Pick ticket memo, number, items
Rental memo, number, customer name, items
Rental return memo, number, customer name, items
Return memo, number, customer name, items
Work order memo, number, items
Return to vendor (RTV) memo, number, vendor name, items
Credit memo memo, number, customer name, items
Vendor credit memo, number, vendor name, items



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