V8 - Print button and Help center
SOS Inventory's Task bar includes a Print button as well as a Help menu with many options for obtaining assistance while using the application.
Print button
To print any screen in SOS Inventory, click the Print button on the Task bar. A specially formatted version of the page removes unneeded menus and other formatting so that the printed page is cleaner. In addition, many pages have the option under the Actions menu to print or save documents as PDFs.
Help menu
SOS provides many options for assistance using the application. In addition to tooltips within the software, the Task bar's Help menu (help icon) includes links to the features listed below.
User guide, Frequently asked questions, Video tutorials, and How-to guides
The Help menu contains the following links, all of which are links to their respective associated folders on this Help Center site:
- User guide. The V8 user guide contains all relevant information about SOS Inventory software.
- Frequently asked questions. Contains all issues seen in new accounts and provides solutions.
- Video tutorials. Short videos providing information on specified topics.
- How-to guides. Step-by-step instructions for performing common activities.
What's new
A list of SOS Inventory updates with the key improvements to the software. The updates are listed in descending order (i.e., the most recent first).
Feature requests
An external resource called User Voice allows all SOS users from any company to view a list of user-requested features that you can review and vote on. Feature requests with the highest votes are taken into consideration for future release. You can even submit your own request for a new feature.
System status
The System Status page provides current and past (last 90 days) uptime information for SOS Inventory and its integrations with QuickBooks, Shopify, and UPS. Also included on this page is SOS Inventory’s current response time, as well as a listing of current and past incidents. From this page, you may subscribe to receiving status updates.
Mobile app
SOS Inventory is available as an iOS app as well as a web application. Available in Apple’s App Store, the iOS app can be used on iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices. Select the Help menu's Mobile app page, then choose the Apple App Store link to download SOS Inventory to your device. More information is available on the Installation, logging in and out page of the iOS app - Quick start guide.
If you do not have our iOS app, you can still use the web version on your mobile device. Simply open your web browser on your mobile device and use the site as you normally would. The menus and screens adapt automatically to simplify navigation and data entry on your device.
An Android app is on our development roadmap for a future release.
Contact us
Submit a Support ticket to SOS Inventory technicians for a response to your questions. Email support is available from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Central, Monday through Friday, and from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Our average response time is less than one hour, although it can take up to 24 hours in some cases.
The About page includes copyright and version information, as well as links to our Terms of service and Privacy policy.