Adding files and documents


What you’ll learn in Adding files & documents

  • Upload files and link them to associated data records

  • Locate existing files and the data records to which they are linked, and vice versa




Video transcript: Adding files and documents

Welcome to our video tutorial, Adding Files and Documents. In this presentation, you will learn how to add a file of an image or other document and link it to a transaction, item, or other data record in SOS Inventory. You will also be shown how to locate within the system existing linked files and their associated data records.To add a new file, go to the Company menu and select Files & documents, which takes you to the Attached files and documents list. Then select Add new.


I’ve partially populated the fields for this document in advance. The file that I am adding is an image that will be attached to an item called Flour. I’ve already entered a description of the image and selected Share so that the image can be accessed by other users. Now I am going to select the file that I want to upload.


The Linked to table is used to indicate the data records that I want to associate with the image I am uploading. In the Type dropdown, I selected the kind of record that I want the file to be associated with, which in this case is an item. Then from the Selection dropdown, I chose the specific item to which the file should be linked. Now that I am finished, I will Save and close.


The image that I attached, Flour.jpg, has now been added to the Attached files and documents list. Under the Linked to column, I see that the image has been associated with the item Flour.


I can also see the linkage from the Items list. In the Flour item’s Documents column, I see the Flour.jpg and its description in parentheses.


This concludes our tutorial on Adding files and documents. Thank you for watching this presentation!

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