Working with barcodes
What you’ll learn in Working with barcodes
- Know how to assign a barcode to an item
- Discover how to print an item barcode
- Understand how to scan a barcode on a transaction
Video transcript: Working with barcodes
Welcome to Working with barcodes! In this presentation, you will learn how to assign a barcode to an item, discover the steps needed to print an item barcode label, and understand how to scan a barcode on a transaction.
Assigning a barcode to an item
Barcodes can be assigned to new or existing items. Here we will assign a barcode to an existing item. Go to the Operations menu and select Items. Locate the item in the Items list, then select Edit on the Actions Menu. Scroll down to the Barcode field and type the barcode number—or scan it in with a barcode scanner. Then Save and close.
Printing a barcode
Before printing a barcode label, you will need to ensure that you have created the barcode form template. See the video Customizing form templates to get you started.
To print barcode labels, go to the Items list. Locate the item for which you want to print barcodes, then select PDF from the Actions menu dropdown. When the pop-up window appears, choose the barcode template and select Generate. The system will generate and download a PDF that you can print from your browser or store and print from your device to either a barcode printer or standard inkjet or laser printer, depending on whether you are printing a single label or a sheet of them.
Using barcodes on transactions
SOS Inventory supports the use of barcode scanning on transactions. In a blank line of a transaction, place the cursor in the item field and scan the barcode. As you can see, the barcode number appears in the item field. But the rest of the data pulled into the line item reflects that which is in the item definition. Let’s enter a quantity of 5, then save the transaction.
Now let’s open the saved transaction. Notice that SOS has replaced the barcode number with the item name.
This concludes our video Working with barcodes. Thank you for watching this presentation!