V8 - Tracking email config (Tracking email settings)
Tracking email config, also called the Tracking email settings page, is a feature that allows you to configure special message bodies for shipments, invoices, sales orders, and sales receipts when using the Email action to send a customer a PDF copy of the transaction. The email message bodies contain information unique to the transaction, such as the login to the customer portal or tracking information for the shipment.
Here is a sample Tracking email settings page. You can customize what each message body will be.
What you see on the settings page is dependent on your SOS account level. If you are on the Pro plan, you will see everything shown in the graphic. If you are on Companion or Plus, you will see only the Shipments section for notification of tracking information. If you are using the SOS Pay option, you will also see the invoices.
The data for the fields on the shipment section of the Tracking email settings page will be sent over from ShipStation or UPS if you have set up your SOS Inventory account with either of these shipping integrations. Customers who do not use these integrations may enter the data manually on the shipment transactions, if desired.
The field codes on the Tracking email settings page can be used on form templates if you want to create a custom transaction form that includes those fields.