V8 - Vendors and the Vendors list


SOS Inventory enables you to keep records of all vendors your company uses. 


Vendors list

The vendors from whom you purchase goods and obtain services are contained in the Vendors list (Operations menu > Purchasing > Vendors). 


If the vendor has multiple places of operation, the Action menu's Addresses feature allows you to enter each site's address and contact information. The View vendor history action allows you to see all the transactions in which your company used this vendor.


For a general overview of how lists work in SOS Inventory, refer to List functions. See Action and batch action descriptions for more information about the actions available on lists.


Adding and editing vendors

New vendors can be added to SOS Inventory using any of the following methods:


  • The Quick add menu. On the Task bar, go to Quick add > Purchasing > Vendor.

  • The Vendors list. Go to Operations menu > Purchasing > Vendors, then select Add new

  • The inline method. Create a new vendor while entering a purchase order, item receipt, or return to vendor (RTV) transaction. In the Vendor field, simply type the name of your vendor and then select Add new vendor. Enter the data needed for the vendor definition, then save. The new vendor will be added to the Vendors list.


An existing vendor can be opened for editing by selecting the Edit action for that record on the Vendors list. Be sure to save your changes.


Vendor field descriptions

If you have defined any custom fields for vendors, they will appear below the standard SOS vendor fields, in alphabetical order. The fields will be of the input format and value that you define.


Account number. The account number assigned by a vendor to your business.

Address. A block of fields used for a vendor’s address. It includes up to five lines for the street address, post office box, attention line, etc., along with City, State/province, Postal code, and Country fields.

Alt phone. An alternate phone number used to contact a vendor.

Company. The company name of the vendor. If the Name and Company data are the same, leave the Company field blank. If the company name has a designator (for example, Inc., Ltd., or LLC) as well as a trade name (doing business as or DBA), enter the designator in the Name field and the trade name in the Company field.

Contact. A block of fields that include Title, First name, Middle name, Last name, and Suffix. If the Name and Contact field data are the same, leave the Contact field blank to prevent duplicate name information from appearing on PDFs of vendor-facing transactions.

Currency. The currency used in transactions with the vendor. This field is visible only if Multicurrency (located under Company menu > Company settings) has been enabled. QuickBooks Online does not allow the currency of an existing vendor to be changed.


Email. The vendor’s email address. If the wrong currency has been entered in the vendor definition and synced to QuickBooks, a new vendor must be created in SOS Inventory with the correct information and the old vendor record deleted.  

Fax. The vendor’s fax number.

Mobile phone. The vendor’s mobile phone number.

Name. The name of the vendor.


edit_noteNOTE: If the Name and Contact field data are the same, complete the Name field and leave the Contact blank. This will prevent duplicate name information from appearing on PDFs of vendor-facing transactions. For the same reason, if the Name and Company data are the same, enter the company name in the Name field and leave the Company field blank. If the company name has a designator ( for example, Inc., Ltd., or LLC) as well as a trade name (doing business as or DBA), enter the designator in the Name field and the trade name in the Company field. If the data for the Name, Contact, and/or Company are different, complete each field accordingly.


Notes. Notes about the vendor. They will appear as internal notes on transactions.

Phone. The primary phone number for the vendor.

Show on forms. Controls whether the vendor appears in the vendor Name dropdown list on purchasing forms. If the box is checked for a vendor, the vendor will be included in the vendor Name dropdown. Whenever the vendor is selected from the dropdown, the system will automatically populate the transaction with the vendor name, default address and contact information, and notes. If the Show on forms box is left unchecked, vendor information will need to be entered manually on purchasing forms.

Terms. A note defining the established terms of payment to a vendor. This is a feature of QuickBooks Online which has no affect on purchase expenses or bills sent to QuickBooks Online. Terms are used only as a reference.

Website. The vendor’s website address.


Vendor messages

You can send vendor messages on purchase orders to describe exact details of a purchase, make shipping arrangements, or include any additional information that you wish. These messages can be entered manually on a transaction, or you can select predefined messages for content that you use repeatedly.


To manage your list of vendor messages, go to Company menu > Vendor messages. To use a saved message on a purchase order transaction, select a predefined message from the dropdown list. The message you choose will be inserted by SOS Inventory into the Vendor message field.


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