V8 - Alerts


SOS Inventory allows administrators to set up alerts to receive notifications for instances such as due dates, low inventory, and lot expiration dates.  


To add an automated alert, go to the Alerts list (Company menu > MiscellaneousAlerts), then select the Add new button.


Alerts are not enabled by default. They must be configured before they will begin to work. When adding or editing an alert, the type of alert you are creating changes the options to be entered.


Common fields

  • Name.  Name that you will use to remember this alert.

  • Type of alert.  SOS Inventory supports the follow types of alerts:

    • Bill due. Indicates that a bill to a vendor is coming due soon.
    • Custom field. Indicates that a custom field has met certain defined conditions.
    • Invoice due. Indicates that a customer invoice is past due.
    • Lot expiration. Shows all conditions of an expiring lot.
    • Low inventory. Indicates that one or more items are below the reorder point and need to be restocked.
    • Sales order due. Indicates that a sales order to a customer is coming due soon.
    • Sales receipt due. Indicates that a sales receipt to a customer is coming due soon.
    • Task due. Indicates that a task is coming due soon.
  • Alert method.  Allows you to select how the alert will be sent in the notifications system. Currently, they are Notify a user, Send an email, or Send a text.

  • Enabled. Check this box to begin receiving alerts.

  • Repeat alert. Specifies whether (and if so, how often) you want to be notified if the alert condition still persists. For example, if you select Never, you will get only one alert and then it will stop running. Daily will send you one alert each day until the condition goes away.

  • Interval. Specifies how often you want the system to check to see if the alert has been triggered.


Options for the Alert types

Bill due

  • Days before due date. Can be a number from -30 to 30.


Custom field

  • Field. The name of the custom field.

  • Alert on. The object the custom field is on (transaction, customer, vendor, item, etc).

  • Comparison value. Any value to be compared against based on the type of custom field.


Invoice due

  • Days past due. Can be a number from 0 to 90.


Lot expiration/Low inventory

  • Location. The location where the lot or other item is to be tracked.

  • Category. Indicates the lots or other items under a certain category.

  • Calculation. The case to key on (In Stock or Available for sale).

  • Item name contains. Specifies the alert to be activated for multiple lots or other items with similar item names.

  • Days prior to expiration. Pertains to lot items only. Can be a number from -30 to 30.


Sales order due/Sales receipt due/Task due

  • Days before due date. Can be a number from -30 to 30.


If you would like to suggest additional alerts, please email the Support team.


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