V8 - Channels and Customer types


Channels and Customer types are optional but very useful sales features.


Adding and using Channels

Channels allow you to track sales which come in via different methods. For example, some sales might come in via walk-in sales, and some might be online sales. You could set up a channel for each type of sale so that you can track them differently. You can set up channels to represent anything you want. It is simply a way to segment your sales.


To define your channels, go to the Company menu > MiscellaneousChannels and select Add new on the list. Complete the Name and Description fields, then save. The Channel field is found on sales and shipment transactions.


Select the applicable channel for the sale from the field's dropdown list. Channels can also be used as a filter for AOP rules.


Adding and using Customer types

SOS Inventory allows you to distinguish between your different customers—such as wholesale, retail, online, etc.—through the Customer type feature. To add a new customer type, go to Company menu > MiscellaneousCustomer types. On the Customer type list, select Add new. Enter the name of the customer type, then save.


Once created, the customer type will be added to the dropdown menu of the Customer type field on the Customer edit page. Sales by customer type - summary is available as a report, and customer type can be selected on a variety of other sales reports as a column option.


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