V8 - Barcoding


SOS Inventory supports barcoding of items. The type of scanning is transactional. SOS does NOT support warehouse scanning of this type via network scanners. A hand-held scanner with a laptop or tablet--or the SOS Inventory iOS app--is required for mobile scanning capability. To scan data, simply put your cursor in the proper field, scan the barcode, and it will show up in that field.


Barcodes are supported only in the Plus and Pro plans of SOS Inventory.


To specify the barcode type and sizing for SOS Inventory to use when defining and printing labels, go to the Task bar and select Settings > Barcode settings. SOS Inventory accepts Code 39, UPC, ISBN, and QR Code barcode types.


Entering barcode data

In addition to an item name, each item in SOS can be configured with a specific barcode. This allows the system to recognize the name of the item or the barcode. Scan or type the barcode into the Barcode field on the item's Edit page.


For other scannable data, such as serial numbers, lot numbers, or bins on shipments, pick tickets, transfers, or adjustments, place the cursor in the serial, lot, or bin blank field and scan the code to look up that particular number. This method keeps you from having to scroll through a long list of ID numbers.


Barcodes can be shown on the PDF of any transaction simply by adding an appropriate merge field to a form template.


Printing barcode labels

SOS Inventory provides the capability to print barcode labels for items by using a form template. If you have not created a form template for the type of barcode label you need, you will need to do so before you can print labels. See Form templates to find out how to build one or to use a predefined one from the Template library.


In setting up the barcode label template, the Form type field is most commonly set to Item. Use the Lot form type for a lot-tracked item to produce labels using the lot ID, Serial item form type for a serial-tracked item to produce labels using the serial number, and the Bin form type for a bin label.


Item barcode labels also can be configured to print directly from a transaction (for example, an item receipt). In this case, select the form type that corresponds to the type of transaction from which you want to create labels.


To print barcode labels for items or bins:


  1. Locate on the appropriate list the item, transaction, or bin for which you want to print barcode labels.
    1. Item form type. Use the Items list (Operations menu > Inventory > Items).
    2. Lot form type. Use the Lots list (Operations menu > Inventory > Lots).
    3. Serial item form type. Use the Serial inventory list (Operations menu > Inventory > Serial inventory).
    4. Bin form type. Use the Bins list (Company menu > Miscellaneous > Bins).
    5. A transaction form type. Use the appropriate transaction list under the Operations menu.
  2. From the Actions menu, select PDF.
  3. When the pop-up window appears, choose your desired barcode label template from the Template field’s dropdown list, then select Generate.


A PDF of the barcode label will download, which you can then print. If you need additional assistance with this feature, email Support.


Scanning barcodes

You do not need a specific type of scanner to scan barcodes into SOS Inventory. You simply need a scanner that works with your computer and web browser. The scanner can be either USB connected or Bluetooth, but it must use an SOS-supported barcode format. The SOS Inventory iOS app uses the device's camera as the barcode scanner. 


When scanning barcodes, be sure that your scanner is configured properly. Many scanners are configured to send a certain character after the scan (such as enter, tab, or something else). It works just the same as if you pressed that key manually. If the page is resetting each time you scan something, be sure that the scanner is not configured to enter a return or enter character each time it scans. The tab character is typically the default for moving to the next field automatically.




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