V8 - Sales setting descriptions
Sales settings are organized in alphabetical order, according to the tab in which they are located in SOS Inventory.
Auto-backorder sales receipts. Creates a backorder automatically for new sales receipts created in QuickBooks Online.
Auto sales order invoices. Creates a sales order automatically for new invoices created in QuickBooks Online. This setting will be ignored if a shipment is created automatically for the invoice.
Auto-ship invoices. Creates a shipment automatically for new invoices created in QuickBooks Online.
Auto-ship sales receipts. Creates a shipment automatically for new sales receipts created in QuickBooks Online.
Default payment method. Default method for customer payments.
Default tax code. Sets the default tax code if you use the Sales Tax Center in QuickBooks Online. If you do not use the Sales Tax Center, this setting has no effect.
Default tax rate. The default sales tax rate, specified as a percentage. A default rate can also be established for each location.
Discount taxable. Applies tax to discounts. Can be overridden on any sales form.
Default terms. Default terms specified in QuickBooks Online (or in SOS Inventory, if you are not connected to QuickBooks).
Enable line-item discounts on sales forms. Displays a regular price, discount percentage, and sale price for each item on a sales form.
Find customers by long name. Searches for customers by long name, which includes any parent customer, instead of the regular customer name. Helpful if you use sub-customers.
Go to invoice from SO. Allows viewing the invoice automatically after generating an invoice from a sales order.
Hide item name. Hides item name on purchase orders, sales orders and packing slips. Often useful in drop shipping. Setting can be changed for each individual item.
Include incoming in available. Includes inbound goods (POs, rentals due, etc.) in available-for-sale calculations. Normally enabled only if incoming goods have very reliable delivery dates. If this option is changed, allow some extra time for all available-for-sale values to be updated.
Markup on actual cost. Uses actual cost instead of standard cost when showing cost/mark-up on sales forms.
Search any part of customer name. Searches for customers by any part of the name, instead of only the beginning of the name.
Show available for sale on forms. Retrieves the available-for-sale quantity automatically when entering a new item on a sales order. To see the available quantity, hover the mouse over the quantity box. This option can slow down the retrieval of item information.
Show cost/markup on sales forms. Displays the markup on each item and the total costs for the line as two additional columns on sales forms. Available only to administrators and users with the View costs permission.
Show only in-stock. Shows only in-stock items when generating a pick ticket or shipment from a sales order or sales receipt. Override this option by entering any other items manually.
Show volume on sales forms. Displays the volume (as well as total volume) on sales forms.
Show weight on sales forms. Displays the weight (as well as total weight) on sales forms.
Sales orders
Default CC for sales orders. Automatically copies all sales orders to a specified email address.
Expand kits on sales orders. Expands kits automatically when saving a sales order.
Lock sales orders when editing. Prevents users from editing a sales order that someone else already has open. Eliminates the chance of two users editing the same transaction, with the last one to save overwriting the other user’s changes. If the sales order is already open by another user, the system will display a message letting the user know that someone else is currently editing the order.
Next SO number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for sales order (SO) forms.
Sales order footer. The text shown at the bottom of every sales order.
Sales order from. The email address from which sales orders will be sent.
Sales order message. The body of the email message to be sent with sales orders. Do not use HTML.
Sales order title. Changes the title when printing or emailing sales orders. For example, some people us Work Order instead. Maximum title length is 50 characters.
SO number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated sales order number. An optional field.
Default CC for estimates. Automatically copies all estimates to a specified email address.
Estimate footer. The text shown at the bottom of every estimate.
Estimate from. The email address from which estimates will be sent.
Estimate message. The body of the email message to be sent with estimates. Do not use HTML.
Estimate number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated estimate number. An optional field.
Estimate title. Changes the title when printing or emailing estimates. For example, some people use Quote instead. Maximum title length is 50 characters.
Next estimate number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for estimates.
Default CC for invoices. Automatically copies all invoices to a specified email address.
Invoice footer. The text shown at the bottom of every invoice.
Invoice from. The email address from which invoices will be sent.
Invoice message. The body of the email message to be sent with invoices. Do not use HTML.
Invoice number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated invoice number. An optional field.
Next invoice number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for invoices.
Use QuickBooks Invoice numbers. Specifies that SOS Inventory should leave the invoice number blank when sending an invoice to QuickBooks. QuickBooks will generate an invoice number.
Use shipping cost from shipment. By default, SOS uses the shipping cost specified on the sale order when invoicing. This setting overrides the default, using the shipping cost from the associated shipment transaction instead of the sales order.
Sales receipts
Default CC for sales receipts. Automatically copies all sales receipts to a specified email address.
Include sales receipts in available. Includes sales receipts in available-for-sale calculations. If disabled, only sales orders are included. If you change the option, it may take a little time for all available-for-sale values to be updated.
Next sales receipt number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for sales receipts.
Sales receipt footer. The text shown at the bottom of every sales receipt.
Sales receipt from. The email address from which sales receipts will be sent.
Sales receipt message. The body of the email message to be sent with sales receipts. Do not use HTML.
Sales receipt number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated sales receipt number. An optional field.
Bill of lading footer. The text shown at the bottom of every bill of lading.
Default CC for shipments. Automatically copies all shipments to a specified email address.
Next shipment number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for shipments. Note that this applies only to shipments created from scratch. A shipment generated from another transaction will take the number of that transaction.
Packing slip footer. The text shown at the bottom of every packing slip.
Packing slip from. The email address from which packing slips will be sent.
Packing slip message. The body of the email message to be sent with packing slips. Do not use HTML.
Packing slip title. Changes the title when printing or emailing packing slips. For example, some people use Packing list instead. Maximum title length is 50 characters.
Ship from address of location. By default, SOS will display the company header information on a packing slip when shipping. This setting changes the default, using the address of the location from which you are shipping instead.
Shipment number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated shipment number. An optional field.
Show on packing slips. Enables customer’s email address and/or phone number to be displayed on packing slips.
Show warranty on serial units. Shows warranty information next to serial numbers on shipments.
Next RMA number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for return merchandise authorizations.
RMA footer. The text shown at the bottom of every return merchandise authorization.
RMA from. The email address from which return merchandise authorizations will be sent.
RMA message. The body of the email message to be sent with return merchandise authorizations. Do not use HTML.
RMA number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated return merchandise authorization number. An optional field.
Next return number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for returns.
Return number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated return number. An optional field.
Pick tickets
Default CC for pick tickets. Automatically copies all pick tickets to a specified email address.
Next pick ticket number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for pick tickets.
Pick ticket footer. The text shown at the bottom of every pick ticket.
Pick ticket from. The email address from which pick tickets will be sent.
Pick ticket message. The body of the email message to be sent with pick tickets. Do not use HTML.
Pick ticket number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated pick ticket number. An optional field.
Pick ticket title. Changes the title when printing or emailing pick tickets. For example, some people use Packing slip instead. Maximum title length is 50 characters.
Serials/lots on pick tickets. Specifies serial and/or lot numbers on pick tickets.
Next rental number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for rentals.
Rental footer. The text shown at the bottom of every rental.
Rental from. The email address from which rentals will be sent.
Rental message. The body of the email message to be sent with rentals. Do not use HTML.
Rental number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated rental number. An optional field.
Rental title. Changes the title when printing or emailing rentals. For example, some people use Rental ticket instead. Maximum title length is 50 characters.
Rental returns
Next rental return number. Resets the transaction reference numbering for rental returns.
Rental return number prefix. A value placed automatically before a system-generated rental return number. An optional field.