V8 - Purchase order field descriptions


Custom fields may appear on purchase order transactions, depending on how each custom field has been defined. If present, a section containing custom fields is below the standard SOS data fields. The fields will be of the input format and value that you have defined.


Add lines. Click this link to add additional lines to the purchase order. On the Company settings page, you can specify the number of lines added by default.


Amount. Extended (line) total.


Assigned to. An optional field that allows you to select from a dropdown the user in your company to whom the transaction will be assigned. If no user is selected, SOS Inventory automatically assigns it to you when the purchase order transaction is saved.


Blanket PO. Check this box to make this a blanket (open-ended) purchase order. The quantity column is ignored on a blanket purchase order.


Class. QuickBooks Online class for this line item. This field is enabled only if class tracking is enabled in QuickBooks Online.


Clear lines. Clears all data entered in the line item block.


Comment. Internal comment about this purchase order. The comment is not displayed on the purchase order when printed or emailed unless this field is added to the purchasing form template.


Contract manufacturing. Check this box if the transaction is requesting that the vendor (a third-party manufacturer) build some assemblies for you. This field is used internally to note that the purchase order is for contract manufacturing.


Currency. Currency for this transaction. This field is visible only if the Multicurrency feature is enabled in the Company settings.


Customer. If Enter customer on line items is enabled in the Purchasing settings (Settings > Purchasing settings), you can use this field to specify a customer for each line item of the purchase order. This field is ignored on drop-ship purchase orders.


Date/Time. Transaction timestamp.


Department. Department for this transaction.


Deposit. Deposit paid to vendor as a fixed expense or percentage of the purchase order. Does not sync to QuickBooks Online.


Description. The purchasing description as described in the item definition.


Drop ship. Check this box if these items will be shipped directly from the vendor to the customer.


Exchange rate. The exchange rate for this transaction. The system will automatically provide the most recent exchange rate for the chosen currency, or you can override it manually. This field is visible only if the Multicurrency feature is enabled in the Company settings.


Expected date. Date the items are expected to arrive.


Expected ship. Date the items are expected to ship.


Exchange rate. The exchange rate for this transaction. The system will automatically provide the most recent exchange rate for the chosen currency, or you can override it manually. This field is visible only if the Multicurrency feature is enabled in the Company settings.


Item. The item to be purchased. Enter/select the name of an existing item from the dropdown list. New items can also be created.


Job. Job to which this line item belongs. This feature is available on the Pro Plan only. Job tracking must be enabled in SOS Inventory on the Inventory settings page.


Multitool. The Multitool icon is located in the far-left column of a line item. The Insert tool, the blue triangle in the top left corner, inserts a blank line above the icon. The Copy tool, the encircled down arrow in the bottom right corner, copies a line and pastes the duplicate on the line immediately below the icon. The Move tool, a box containing three lines, moves and reorders line items. When your cursor moves inside the box, a four-pronged white arrow appears. Click, hold, and drag the arrow to move and reorder the line.


PO number. Reference number that identifies the purchase order. This field is searchable. The system will attempt to number the purchase order automatically depending on your settings on the Purchasing settings page.


Received. Number of units received for a line item. Normally, you would not edit this field manually. The system should keep it up to date. However, you can override it if necessary. You should NOT edit this field when receiving items. Use an item receipt for that. 


Remove. Click the trash can icon to remove a line from the purchase order.


Part #. Vendor part number for the item. This is often useful if your vendor requires you to enter their unique part number, and it is different from your own internal part number.


Quantity. The number of item units being purchased.


Ship method. Shipping carrier.


Shipping address. Address to which the goods will be shipped. To set a default for this location, go to the Purchasing Settings page. If Drop ship is checked, this becomes the customer to whom the items will be drop-shipped.


Terms. Payment terms.


Tracking #. Carrier tracking number.


Unit price. Price of each item.


UOM. Unit of measure, if enabled. Available on Plus and Pro plans.


Update default costs. If on Plus or Pro plan, the Vendor-Item Catalog is updated if the vendor-item pair exists. If not in the Vendor-Item Catalog and the item has defined units of measure and the UOM is a conversion UOM, the conversion UOM is updated. If neither condition exists, the purchase cost in the item definition is updated as the new default cost.


Vendor. Vendor from whom you are purchasing the items on the purchase order. In addition to the vendor name, SOS Inventory will populate the vendor address, notes, and default terms fields as specified in the vendor definition.


Vendor address. The vendor's billing address for placing an order for goods.


Vendor message. This message will be displayed on the purchase order. This field can be expanded and will display up to 1000 characters. If desired, you may select a predefined message from a dropdown of vendor messages.


Vendor notes. The internal notes from the vendor definition.


Vol. The volume of the item as specified in its definition.


Weight. The weight of the item as specified in its definition.


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