V8 - Relieving inventory


In SOS Inventory, sales do not automatically relieve inventory. Sales and shipping are separate processes, and inventory is relieved when the items are shipped. This is different from how QuickBooks handles the process.


The reason:


Having a sales transaction relieve inventory automatically is simply not realistic for many businesses. For example, many companies ship products to customers every few days and then invoice them at the end of the month. In that model, removing inventory only upon invoicing would mean that inventory quantities would be correct only once per month—when the invoice is issued. Every other time a shipment is processed, the count would be wrong. In another situation, a furniture store might sell a sofa and generate a sales receipt to a customer. However, the store might not deliver the sofa for two weeks or more. It is problematic to remove the sofa from inventory at the time it is sold, as the sofa is still in inventory (although not available for sale).


SOS automates the process of creating shipments, enabling them to be generated from sales transactions. The extra couple of clicks needed are well worth the additional flexibility that our system provides.


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