V8 - Price tiers (price groups)
SOS Inventory supports price tiers—also known as price groups or price levels—that allow you to have different pricing structures (such as wholesale and retail pricing) for different customers, as well as quantity-based pricing.
Creating and editing price tiers (price groups)
To set up a price group in SOS:
- Go to the Price tiers list (Company menu > Miscellaneous > Price tiers), then select the Add new button.
- Enter the Name of the price tier.
- The Percent discount or Flat discount can be entered—or if you want to establish quantity discounts for an item, retrieve it from the Item dropdown, then enter the appropriate values in the Quantity and Unit price cells of the Prices table. (If you do not wish to have quantity breaks, simply enter one price per item, with a quantity of 1.)
infoTIP: The calculation for the percentage discount is based upon the item's list price (its regular sales price, without discounts). The list price on sales forms matches the value entered in the Sales price field of the item definition.edit_noteNOTE: When entering a price tier, you can retrieve the prices for existing items in the group by selecting the item and clicking the Retrieve prices button. Then add or edit the prices as needed. You can enter different prices at different quantity levels. If you do not wish to have quantity breaks, simply enter one price per item, with a quantity of 1. - Save when finished with that item. Then change to another item and enter pricing for it. Save and repeat until you have entered all of items for that tier. The price tiers then will appear in the Price group dropdown on customer pages and sales transactions.
Any items not in the group will use the default pricing as specified with the item. If you remove all entries from the Prices table for an existing item in the tier and save, it deletes the entry from the price tier.
For sales transactions, you can choose to use the price tier to establish your customer’s price for a given item in the customer’s currency. When a product listed in the price tier is entered as a line item on the sales transaction, the values that populate the unit price and amount fields will reflect pricing in the customer’s currency.
You can use the Export data and Import data features to edit your price tiers in bulk. See Bulk editing price tiers for information on this process.
A price group can be opened for editing by selecting its Edit action on the Price tiers list.
Assigning price groups to customers
To assign a price group to a customer, go the Customers list (Operations menu > Sales > Customers). Add a new customer or open an existing customer record, then select the default price tier from the Price group dropdown. You can override this price tier on a sales transaction if desired.
Your price tiers, as well as pricing by item and/or customer, can be viewed in the Price book (Operations menu > Reports > Sales > Price book). Select the item(s), customer(s), and print or export as needed.
Using price groups on sales forms
Choose the desired price tier from the Price group dropdown and then select Apply to assign that price group to all line items entered.