V8 - Using Location settings to assign different maximum stock levels, reorder points, or default bins to an item at multiple locations


On an item Edit page, you can set the default bin, the maximum stock level, and the reorder point for an item. But if your item is stored at multiple locations—each of which has a different default bin, maximum stock level, or reorder point—Location settings allows you to set each of these for an item at every company location. To access this feature, go to the Operations menu > InventoryItems, then select Location settings on the Actions menu of the item.


Here is the layout of a Locations settings table for a sample item called Blue ink cartridge:


Location settings for Blue Ink Cartrideg


edit_noteNOTE: Location settings allows you to assign an item to bins at multiple locations, but bin tracking must be enabled at each location where you intend to track the item. In addition, each location must have an existing bin to which you can assign the item. If bin tracking has not been enabled or bins have not been created for a specific location, SOS will not allow you to use Location settings to enter a default bin for the item at that location.
infoTIP: Bin-tracked locations can be identified by the down arrow appearing in the Default bin column. If a down arrow is present but no bin options appear in the dropdown, bin tracking has been enabled for that location—but bins have not been created for it.


If the Default bin field on the Location settings table is left blank for a bin-tracked location, SOS will use the default bin listed in the item definition. The default bin has no relevance for non-tracked locations. 


Refer to Bins for more details on establishing bin-tracked locations and creating bins. 



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