Why do some of my vendors, customers, and items have (2) or another number in their names?


When you add a new vendor, customer, or item in SOS Inventory, the system attempts to send the new data record to QuickBooks.


If another record with same name already exists in QuickBooks, QuickBooks will add a (2) to differentiate the second version from the original. If additional duplicates are in the system, the number will reflect how many there are.


You can correct this issue by executing the following steps:


  • Locate the original and duplicate records in their appropriate list.
  • View the history of the original and duplicate records. Click the Actions menu dropdown for each record and select the history you need (View vendor history for vendors; View customer history for customers; or Transaction history for items).
  • Choose the record with the shorter history as the one to discontinue. Then edit transactions (if any) from the history of the discontinued vendor/customer/item.
  • Once all transactions have been changed and no transactions are associated with the discontinued vendor/customer/item, delete the record you want to discontinue.



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