V8 - Shopify custom app cart connection checklist (with SKU/SKU matching to support updating inventory levels)
See Cart connection field descriptions for SOS Inventory's cart data fields.
Before connecting with Shopify, edit your items in either SOS Inventory or Shopify (or both) to ensure that the SKU of an item (variant) in Shopify matches the SKU of the matching item in SOS Inventory. NOTE: Each item in SOS Inventory must be given a unique SKU so that Shopify is able to map to the correct SOS Inventory item. However, the same SKU can be used for multiple products in Shopify (for example, if you sell products with the same SKU at different prices for different types of customers).
Optional: In SOS, click on the company name tile and choose Channels. Create a channel named Shopify.
Connect SOS Inventory to Shopify. On the Task bar, go to Settings menu > Cart connections, then select Add new.
On the Cart connections page, choose Shopify from the Cart field’s dropdown list.
In the Shopify app type dropdown, select Custom App. NOTE: To create a new cart connection, Custom app must be selected. Although Shopify continues to support existing private apps, the private app feature was deprecated in January 2022. SOS Inventory includes the Private app option for our customers who need to maintain or connect to an existing Shopify private app.
In the Instructions section, follow the directions for the app type selected to ensure Shopify is connected successfully with SOS Inventory.
Enter your Shopify shop name in the Shop field. The name will be something like shopname.myshopify.com.
Log in to Shopify and follow the steps below:
From your Shopify admin, click Apps.
Enter App and sales channel settings in Search bar.
Click on Develop apps for your store or Developer apps.
Click on Create an app.
Enter SOS Inventory in the App name field and click Create app.
Click on the Configuration tab.
On Admin API integration, select Configure.
Under the All tab of Admin API access scopes, enable the following permissions:
Under Customers section, enable read_customers. This setting allows your Shopify customer to be created within SOS Inventory when the sale synchronizes to SOS.
Under Inventory section, enable write_inventory and read_inventory. Write_inventory allows inventory quantities in SOS to write back to Shopify; if you don’t want your inventory quantities to write back to Shopify, you can leave write_inventory unchecked. Read_inventory allows an item to synchronize to SOS if the item doesn’t already exist in SOS.
Under Locations section, enable read_locations. This setting allows SOS to send specific quantities for items at multiple locations back to Shopify as long as location names are the same (in case, spacing, and characters) in both software apps.
Under Orders, enable read_orders to allow orders placed in Shopify to sync to SOS Inventory..
Under Product Listings, enable write_product_listings, read_product_listings. These settings allow Shopify products and those in SOS Inventory to correctly map upon initial connection and talk with each other.
Under Products, enable write_products, read_products. These settings allow Shopify products and those in SOS Inventory to correctly map upon initial connection and talk with each other.
On the Webhook subscriptions, choose the latest version from the Event version dropdown list.
Go to the bottom of the page and select Save. After saving the configuration, click the black Install App button at the top of the page. Installing gives the app access to your data and provides an access token.
VERY IMPORTANT: Under Admin API access token, copy the access token and save it in a secure place, as it can be accessed only once in Shopify. (Ignore the API key and API secret key that is listed.)
In SOS Inventory, paste the access token in the Admin API access token field on the Cart Connection page for your Shopify cart.
Configure other settings on the Cart connection page as needed. The Enabled box must be checked to activate the integration between Shopify and SOS Inventory. In the Sales channel dropdown, be sure to select Shopify. When finished with all other desired changes, Save and close.
Once you have saved the settings, the item mapping is completed between the two systems and the connection is verified.
Once connected, your sales from Shopify will sync into SOS and your inventory levels will be updated by SOS Inventory in Shopify.